Pope Benedict XVI encouraged priests to use the internet and other means of social communication more effectively. I also find this to be a good opportunity to evangelize, catechize, and apply Catholic teaching to the contemporary situation and to otherwise ruminate. These thoughts are offered only as the ruminations of a simple pastor. With this in mind, please be charitable and pray for me as I pray for each of you in my daily Mass and prayers.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Advent begins!
My bulletin letter for this week is some encouragement on the observance of Advent. Enjoy!
Vigil for Nascent Life

If you were not able to participate in the celebration at your parish, or if your parish did not observe this vigil, you can still do so in your home and with your family. Pray the Joyful Mysteries and add a prayer for the unborn, for mothers, fathers, doctors, and in reparation for the sin of abortion, fetal stem cell research, IVF, and medically challenged children at the beginning of each decade. Here is a link for some prayers to use in a
pro-life rosary.

One of my parishioners commented on how nice it was to pray for the unborn as opposed to hearing about how wrong it is. I would agree! It was wonderful to do this. Maybe we can do a repeat come January. In any case, it is important to hear from your priest that it is evil. It is also VERY important for all people of good will to pray, and pray regularly for an end to this scourge.
I'd like to encourage all to make this your special prayer throughout this Advent season. I would also like to encourage devotion to the Infant Child Jesus (aka: the Infant of Prague). Maybe you could buy a statue of the Infant Child for your parish and ask your pastor to mount it some place suitable within your church. Provide holy cards with an image of the Infant Child along with a pro-life prayer of reparation for distribution in your parish.
There is so much that CAN be done. It's just for all of us to get out and do it. Don't forget to organize letter writing campaigns to our representatives, and not just those who are pro-choice! Our pro-life legislators need to know that we are behind them. Let them know that you
appreciate their stand.

May God bless you as you continue to fight the good fight for these modern day "Holy Innocents". May the ever-virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and protection of the unborn, continue to hold you in the fold of her mantel, close to her most Immaculate Heart.
Pray Well!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving and "Altar-ing" the U.S. Government
Here is my bulletin letter for the week. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Many Blessings on Raymond Cardinal Burke!

Cardinal Burke didn't get to where he is by "making all the right political moves", or by knowing which winds to follow. He is not of the party of the left, nor of the right. Cardinal Burke belongs to the party of the Lamb.
One thought that came to mind over and over again, as the significance of the Cardinal's crimson vestments was explained, was that Raymond Burke, Fr. Burke, Bishop Burke, Archbishop Burke had already amply demonstrated his willingness to give himself completely to Christ and the service of His Church. In the many years I have known him, Cardinal Burke has always been about the glory of Jesus Christ and His Church. Because he, himself, believes so profoundly in the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Gospel, Cardinal
Burke has always sought to draw others to the same Jesus Christ who fills him so wonderfully.
Does this mean that his every move was perfect? That is for God to judge. However, Cardinal Newman's quote regarding the intention to serve well fits Cardinal Burke to a tee. At once it recognizes that mistakes may be made. It also recognizes that these can be forgiven and perfected as long as our intention is purely to do God's will as best as we can know it.
Does this mean that his every move was perfect? That is for God to judge. However, Cardinal Newman's quote regarding the intention to serve well fits Cardinal Burke to a tee. At once it recognizes that mistakes may be made. It also recognizes that these can be forgiven and perfected as long as our intention is purely to do God's will as best as we can know it.
Cardinal Burke's fortitude has always been in inspiration to me. He knows what it is to which God calls us and never shrinks from proclaiming the truth in charity. In season and out of season, no matter the political consequences or the way the liberal press would portray it, he has always told the truth. He has always proclaimed the Gospel.
I have several times told people that it was easy, in some ways, to be a pastor under Cardinal Burke. There was no question about where he was and where he wanted you to be. Even when it seemed that everything was crashing down around me, I could follow
his lead in confidence because not only did I know where he wanted me to be, but also why. Not just that, but it was always clear that what we are about is proclaiming the Gospel.

Cardinal Burke's humility is the gold standard. It is obvious to anyone who really knows him that he is a man of humility. He is not afraid to be critiqued. He does not need to be recognized nor has he ever been the kind of man who is looking for the next promotion. His moves were in response to obedience, not self promotion. His gaze is always on The Other, and others - not on himself.
Cardinal Burke has always been an inspiration to me. When I get the chance to see him in two weeks and I kiss his new red ring, that kiss will not only be a sign of great respect for a man that I love, but a witness to the inspiration he is for me to aspire to that same willingness to give myself completely to Christ with faith, hope, love, humility, and obedience.
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