Blog followers, my bulletin article for my parishes this week is on the real presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. I thought that it might be interesting for those beyond my parishes. Enjoy!
Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
This weekend, in two of our parishes, we
celebrate that most wonderful moment in our children’s lives when they are
invited to approach the Altar of God for their first reception of the Body
& Blood, Soul & Divinity of Christ.
We will celebrate this in our third parish next Sunday morning. With this in mind I’d like to spend a couple
of weeks discussing the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and our worthy
reception of that most august gift of grace.
First, we need to recognize from where
this teaching comes. A couple of weeks
past this was, in fact, the gospel readings for the weekday Masses. The bible’s most complete explanation of this
is to be found in the Gospel according to St. John, the sixth chapter. Here, Jesus makes it clear that unless we eat
His flesh and drink His blood we have no life in us. (Jn 6:53) This is one of the unique times in the
gospels that Jesus does not then turn to his apostles and teach further so that
they would understand what He meant by what He taught. In fact, He challenges them as to whether
they will also leave his company as had many of those following Him up until
that moment. (Jn 6:67) Peter takes the
lead here and says: “Lord, where would we go?
You have the words of eternal life.”
But did they know what Jesus really meant by what He had taught? Probably not.
Not, that is, until the night of the Last Supper. Here, Jesus would take bread, bless it, break
it, and give it to his disciples saying: “Take this and eat. This is my body.” (Matt. 26:26) “Then, after the meal, He took the cup, gave
thanks, and gave it to them saying: ‘Drink from it, all of you, for this is my
blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness
of sins.’” (Matt. 26:27-28) In his
letter to the Church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 11:23-32), St. Paul testifies
that if we receive the bread and drink from the cup without perceiving the Body
and Blood of Christ we eat and drink judgement upon ourselves. Pretty strong language! But certainly a strong indicator that this is
and has been the understanding of the Church with regards to the Eucharist from
the beginning.
In the centuries and millennia since, God
has made His point with regards to the truth of this awesome mystery through
Eucharistic Miracles. In fact, I have
two books full of stories giving witness to God’s acting in time to fortify our
understanding and belief in the Truth of our Eucharistic theology.
I pray that as our young people approach
the altar for their first time their child-like acceptance of God’s gift of
Truth and Love will never be diminished.
If our trust and love of God would be as pure as theirs, it need never
See you at Sunday Mass!